Originally Posted by XwChriswX
 I've been through those same military briefs. Don't have to remind me. lol
Then you need to pay more attention to them
Originally Posted by XwChriswX
Is not my goal. Competing is my goal. Which I don't have the $$ for. One day, hopefully, I will. And then I can go up the ladder.
Which is JUST AS BAD of a goal lol. Its WAY too unrealistic right now.
Originally Posted by XwChriswX
Is also a bit off, I already know I'm going to like it through everything else I've experienced. The problem is when they day's over and everyone else is going home, I want more time on the track to keep practicing. I don't want to stop. And I can't afford several sessions.
So when I can, I will.
Chris I'm going to just come out and say it. What Steve and I are alluding to here, is that you've set your bar so freaking high, that you wont do this anytime soon. You may never do it at all unless you change your requirements. You'll stick to your guns and insist that "you'll do it when you're ready", but in reality, Steve and I are thinking the same thing here: "He's saying this so he never has to do it". We will likely be LONG GONE from your life if you ever decide to do this lol - you won't even know us anymore.
You're always going to have more pressing needs for money in your life, and its going to take a long time, if ever, for you to meet your requirements.