So I really hope I am jumping the gun here, but I may have to take different approach to complete my build. My car was supposed to have been completed (according to plans made before I deployed) by the end March. So, I charged it to the game and let Zerolift know my drop-dead date. I have been trying to get trick parts as well since it has taken so long to get things going. Anytime I worked something out for a FORUM VENDOR to coordinate with Zerolift to get access to my car, it would fall by the wayside. Today I sent a message to the owner/manager Mike Bailey askin for proof that parts have been ordered and/or anything installed. By the way, yesterday I spoke with his associate Robert. He said that he didn't have any details, but he was the one that I worked with on the parts list and invoice. I also stated that pictures would be the best proof. I will be calling him today and either get this thing going to meet my drop-dead date or return my car and my money.
Sad part about this is that everytime I trust a shop to do work that I COULD DO MYSELF, I get screwed. I just pray that it this not the case this time. I really don't need this while I am out here in this place. We will see how the concersation with Mike goes when I call later.
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2007 350Z NISMO #0618: Zerolift | UPREV | F.I. | Greddy | Competition Clutch | Injector Dynamics | Aeromotive | Pioneer | JL
Last edited by roplusbee; 04-12-2012 at 10:22 AM.