Yea had a little douchebag mess with me last Saturday. I was rolling up to the Nissan dealership with a friend to check out the GT-R Black Edition that was rumored of being there. Well I accelerated normally from the light just before the dealership and wasnt paying much attention to others around me and as I was getting into the turning lane to turn into the dealership this punk in a honda swerved around me or just for the hell of it tried to cut me off. Jokes on him I was slowing down to turn
. But yea I would of followed that POS to where he lived or decided to pull over to have a chat with him if I was heading straight down the road when he pulled that stunt. I haven't had any issues out of the Mustangs or Camaros in the area it seems to be only punk kids in the Hondas that feel they have something to prove