gmorning, mr. alcheng!
wow, alchemy you gotz a huge day coming.
good morning, mr. gale!
Originally Posted by KingZee
I was actually wondering about this Ken, thanks for the input...I was especially curious because it's a lot cheaper as well and the turnaround for the Evo-r is 10 days to ship? 

GL with the fang cover.
Originally Posted by Chaddrift
lets just say.... I'm taking advantage of a garage (moved last week) and my z is in pieces in the garage, rerouting wiring harness, tucking wires, hammering fender wells, tuning coils and camber kits, redoing full custom exhaust with single out tip, and welding the diff . hate if you must but I'm a 22 year out that doesn't care about the value, just drives a car how it should be... hard lol will be done next week
congrats on the garage!

most 22yr olds dont have their own garage so you're already waaay ahead.
good morning, mr. happy.
Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Wise words Mr. Happy.
Good morning all. 
good morning, mr. gurney!
Originally Posted by onzedge
I only discriminate against the stupid -- age, race, gender and sexual orientation do not matter to me.
me too, mr.onzedge.

Originally Posted by Fire
Morning guys 
mornings, fire, mustang, terrible!

Originally Posted by ZMan8
Good morning gentemen! time to power read throught the morning action 
gmorning, zman!!
Originally Posted by TerribleONE
my life is now complete!  I can rest peacefully tonight
hahha, you're finally home, ey?
was frikken cold this am.... like 35F or something

but my allergies were not as bad this am. hummm... i should be getting the micron filters tomorrow.

will install over the weekend since it looks like rain rain rain...
good morning everyone!