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Old 04-11-2012, 08:12 AM   #10 (permalink)
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'Italian Tune Ups' made more sense back in they day of higher emissions and fuel that had far less additives (not to mention carbs or early fuel injection which isn't nearly as precise as todays computers can deliver)

Tear apart a modern head that uses good detergent fuel and regular oil changes and the combustion chambers should be sparkly quite honestly.

If you need to believe that in order to drive your car like a sports car: go right ahead

The vast majority of the RPMs of a street car for the life of the engine are < 3500 RPM. The only thing to keep in mind from a mechanical empathy point of view is to keep the high load conditions to a minimum while the engine is not warmed up. THAT is bad for your engine. IIRC peak cylinder pressure occur at torque peak, not RPM max (piston speeds are highest there).

7xxx shifts on a warmed up when rolling through that on ramp to the expressway is just a good time to be had. I recommend it daily.

For maximum fuel economy, you want WOT (to minimize pumping losses at throttle) and short shifting. Think Diesel style of shifting. Its kind of boring on the Z...I don't recommend it daily.

- b
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