Originally Posted by kenchan
Mr.gale that is awesome! 
Originally Posted by Alchemy
Nice work Gale 
Thanks guys!
Originally Posted by Fire
Good job Gale. Did you have a template or just do it free hand. I've seen a template someplace for them. 
This was free handed. I guess the years of doing custom installations with fiberglass and Carbon Kevlar came in handy... Already planning the next one, it'll be more three dimensional. This was a spur of the moment idea.
Originally Posted by onzedge
Awesome!!! For your 2 year old? Yeah right. Just like the Legos I always bought were for my kids when they were little. 
The fabrication was definitely for Daddy, the end result was to see the reaction on his face.
I can't wait for Lego. I still have a giant box of The stuff from when I was a kid... Many many years ago. I'm really looking forward to breaking it out for my little guy (and me) to play with! Lego's the shiznat!