Originally Posted by alcheng
Mr.kenchan, if your Rx is -8.50, you are good candidate for both...
Since you don't buy contacts from me, so I'll say go ahead for the lasik or PRK. LOL..
But make sure go for the most expensive onoe, because the machine they use is different.
Mr.happtheman has a Rx of -13.00 and Mr.kenchan is -8.50, sounds like you two are hard-study students during your teen years...
Mr.happytheman, congrats on the tires!!!!
Looks like we gonna have have a happytheMich in the forum very soon...... 
Hard studying? Umm, not so much on my part! Perhaps Ken-San did tho!
I think Mr. Onzedge is more deserving of a OnzeMich moniker!