Originally Posted by Sndtgr08
Add me to the list. I should be able to bring my vertically challenged co-pilot err I mean my son  . Still waiting on the damn spring loaded hinges  Now they are telling me friday.
Anyways, are the Va people meeting in Va, then cruising to where ever the MD people are meeting, then Cruising to the MD show together? Or whats the plan?
I am not parking my car near anybodys but you guys, I dont trust anyone else. If I have random cars parked next to mine I will be stressed the whole time and will likely pass lol. When I park I always take 4 spaces, except when I meet with my forum/club buddys. I know you guys care about your cars as much/more then me.
Not sure what the plan is for cruising down. I'm only like 20 mins away from there though.
Ron, I might just meet up with you at your place so we can go down there together. I guess we can all meet at Ron's house in that case