Originally Posted by chillz
I'm so glad I'm not the only middle-aged female who thinks an HPDE day will be a blast. I'm assuming your wife is somewhere around your age; apologies if I'm wrong...
I'm signed up for an HPDE April 21st and 22nd at NJMP Lightning course. I haven't told many people, but about half of them act like I'm mentally deficient for wanting to go. Not sure if it's my gender or my age...
You go for it...People think I am Nutts..I am 52 and Just spent 30K on my old hot rod in new Mods..
I tell them this is not a "midlife crisis "..First, there is no crisis, and second, at 52 and midlife, that would mean i will make it to 104 years old....I doubt it..So me and the Wife, who is 48, are taking chunks of life...
So I think you are not crazy and have a zest for Life...