Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise
Did you bake it yet? Typically with Xbox the solder like to come loose and the heat sinks on the south bridge are garbage. Rip it apart and throw the motherboard in the oven at around 350~F. That is enough to remelt the solder and fix most south bridge connection issues. If you don't like that just take off all heat sinks and turn it on. It will thermal shutdown after 10-15min and will have the same effect. I prefer the latter because I also like to redo the factory TIM because no manufacturer can apply TIM correctly...my temps dropped about 10~C after a fresh application..
I'm going to get a heat gun today and reflow the solder myself with that. I dont like the baking idea, personally - prefer a more focused and higher-temperature option.
Taking the heatsinks off wont help me: the southbridge HAS no heatsink :-p. Besides, I've already replaced my X-clamp and redone my thermal paste on the CPU and GPU. They are running properly.