I've seen a bunch of threads about how easy it is to remove the seats from the car,
but has anyone taken it further by taking the seats themselves apart?
My right foot/leg keeps falling asleep and it's being caused by the side bolster on my thigh. With your hands you can feel that there is a really hard steel or plastic lip under there keeping it pushed up hard. Ultimately, I'd like to pull back the fabric and foam, get some channel locks on that sucker and bend it down some. If it's plastic with memory, then I'd probably dremmell it off.
I know this is a weird issue to be having, especially since my left leg has been totally fine. Must be the plumbing in my right leg.
Otherwise I like these seats. The are totally comfortable on my back and my arse, so this issue is a bit frustrating.
Any help by someone who has taken apart the seats would be much appreciated.
Thanks ---- Bonzo