Being that I had my rev b replaced with what was thought to be a good revision with the c and now may not be I figured I would take my old rev b apart and post some pics for everyone. I would like to thank AWX Z34 for his diy on how to do this repair.
1. first picture is old rev b lock
2. drilled out the tabs on the both sides with dremel
3. cover removed
4. removed #10 torx screws
5. circuit board removed
6. back piece with the gears
7. two tabs held down with piece of metal and electrical tape
8. all taped up and ready for testing
9. make sure you tape the end down or remove it so you can turn your steering wheel
Still have to test it but that will be tomorrow when its not raining outside.

just want to have an extra in the car in case rev c bites the dust.