Ice Mode = super hard pedal, car wont stop.
Brake Fade = super soft pedal, car wont stop.
It's my opinion that the Ice Mode problem is a software issue. We're running Hawk DTC 70 (f) and DTC 60 (r) on the World Challenge car with Racing Brake 2-piece rotors and am still able to get Ice Mode easily, even before everything has overheated. We're working on a solution, but I think it's going to involve proportioning the brakes properly and installing an ABS disable switch in the cockpit (probably not something you can easily do or even want to on a street car).
It's all about overall pedal pressure, how quickly you apply it and the initial bite on your pads. When it happens you have to give up the pedal and re-apply ... kinda like you do in a non-ABS car
Problem is that takes some quick thinking as you're hurtling towards certain doom.