Originally Posted by zuperman 370
loving my set up right now, but u know the mod bug wont stop loool, with all do respect i disagree about paying more for a better job or seeing the kind of cars in the body shop, the last guy i went to i swear he had super cars in his shop and charged maybe 2 for the jon, i swear to god his work was so **** that i had to redo 95% of it in another shop, and so far im pleased with there work and it didnt even cost me half of wht that guy charged me
wow man thats crazy... super cars huh.... wat a guy man.... i dont even know what to say....
Originally Posted by zuperman 370
by the way sorry to hear about ur bad experience i know how much it sucks believe me, so what color did u decide on ? BTW ended up ordering the amuse brace bar was just too good to pass up lool
i havent decided yet LMAO!!!! in all honesty... im leaning towards red... but one with metallic to be exact.... and a lil darker... not maron... but a dark red....
should go great with the red kevlar.... man i envy you bro... amuse brace bar huh... thats gonna be sex bro put lotsa pics k?