Originally Posted by simota1
just like your parts bro... remember the more the body shop charges then the more likely they are more credible....also look at the kinda cars they got in the shop... you gotta pay to play like they say... as for me i learned it the hard way.... had one of my friends shoot my kit.... they didnt blend it... now i gotta end up reshooting the whole car....
loving my set up right now, but u know the mod bug wont stop loool, with all do respect i disagree about paying more for a better job or seeing the kind of cars in the body shop, the last guy i went to i swear he had super cars in his shop and charged maybe 2 for the jon, i swear to god his work was so **** that i had to redo 95% of it in another shop, and so far im pleased with there work and it didnt even cost me half of wht that guy charged me