Hey folks.
I'm new here, but I'm an old hat to the 350Z scene.
Been an owner of 2 different 350Zs and a member of multiple Z forums (yes, I'm an enormous forum whore), also had a beautifully restored Datsun 240Z that I sold like a schmuck...so I have a lot of Z experience.
Of course, I traded my 05 Z a couple years ago for my dream car, the supra.
Anyways....long story short, I have been watching the buzz about the 370Z....and while most of my 350Z brethren don't care much for it...I personally LOVE it...and am even considering trading/selling the supdawg for one.
(don't tell the guys on 350zmotoring....they'l never let me live that sh!t down)
anyways....welcome me and all that.