If you use the gas mileage meter it acts as a vacuum gage and you can squeeze the best mileage out of your car that way. The best I've been able to squeeze out is about 29.5mpg. But, I haven't been on any long flat stretches yet and my car still needs a little more breaking in to get the best mileage. Around town I'm getting an avg of about 24.99999999. Never seem to break 25mpg around town something always causes me to smash the gas or sit at extremely long red lights. Doh ...
However, I didn't buy this car to get the best mileage I could. If I wanted that I would have kept the Prius. That thing got 48-50 mpg almost all the time. My commute is short right now. But, if I start that hour long commute again each way.... I might have to lease one. It will pay for itself in gas savings .... it's that good!
Last edited by Mecinoid; 03-24-2012 at 03:30 PM.