There were several 2+2 Z cars. I believe there was a 280Z and there was a 280ZX version as well as both 300ZXs came in a 2+2 version. The only reason I think they won't go the 2+2 route is because the G37 definately covers that and I think they are trying hard to get back to the roots of the original 240Z which was an incredible price/performance two seater sports car.
2+2 was there to give the family man an "in" to get his sports car and still have room to pick the kids up from school, etc. The 280Z and 280ZX 2+2 were ugly (IMHO of course) because they extended the roof line. The Z31 was just ugly 2 seater or 2+2 - reminded me of the Mustang II - great line of cars with a hicup in the middle... they kinda saved the Z31 in '88 and '89 with the European style rounded bumpers which made it look less like a flying wedge. The Z32 2+2 had subtle details (gas cap placement IIRC) to differentiate between the 2 and 2+2 version but they were unnoticed by the casual observer. The Z32 was definately the best 2+2 of all the Zs.