Hey guys,
Don't own a z quite yet... but i'm looking at picking one up as a sensible daily driver. By sensible daily driver I mean has carpets, no rollcage, isn't slathered in gauges, is nice and new and comfortable. Nothing too aftermarket or excessive on it is important too... also something that most girls can agree with, some lady friends deeply deeply dislike the rough ride of my current car. Mostly considering a roadster seeing as every time I get in a car I pop open all the windows. Also like how with nav, you can control an ipod with the steering wheel.
I'd be coming from a skyline if I hypothetically switch to one of these, so keepin it in the family.
I have a slight dislike for the 350z as I found the engine noise gave me a headache (ironically a screaming wastegate of a sr20 soothed it right away ) and the handling was limp, but seeing as how 370z are getting rave reviews, I thought I'd look into it. I also like the interior styling and most of the exterior styling significantly more on the 370z. The taillights didn't agree with me at first but I think they're growing on me. Also the roadster styling is much sleeker than the 350z.
I'd drift my skyline for the rest of the season, then sell at the end to switch over to one of these. Depending on how I feel about the car, a TT would be in order a while down the road, but would remain stock, maybe except for tires and rims.
Guess I should post some pictures of my current car.

she's the girl on the right
Cheers. Hope to see you fellas on here in the future