Originally Posted by memorylasts
I wish I chose to go to SDSU I go to a ITT I am extremely unhappy but I'm to far in to turn around. I'm going for IT.
Nothing to be unhappy about there, brother! IT is what I do as well. What are looking to get into, specifically?
Just to stay on thread, I just tucked my Z in the garage for a little nap until I have to take her back out at 1am (for work), have made myself a mean margarita, have tucked my feet under myself on the couch and I'm settling down to catch up onn some reading!
Originally Posted by Alchemy
I was SUPER disappointed to see that my Hankook v12's are already at the wear line with less than 10k on them  I got over 20k from the stockers, granted they were to the wire in the rear when replaced. I may have to invest in some rear camber components otherwise Ill be replacing tires yearly. Also need to go find my alignment sheet and see just how far off of the stock settings mine is riding. Ugh, the only reason I got those Hankooks was to save a few bucks but more importantly I wanted to get a little life outta them. 
Originally Posted by onzedge
Have I mentioned how good the Pilot Super Sports are yet this week?
Way to kick 'em when they're down! Damnit man!