Good afternoon everyone! Time to get caught up.
Had a good drive today, no tires thrown at me
I had some goof revving the piss out of his Saturn while we were at a red light, other than that it was all thumbs up and head nods of approval.
Went to a GTR certified Nissan dealer to get a proper crush washer. No problems, the guy gave me two no charge. Then I saw something that caught my eye,
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J M Gale, on Flickr
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J M Gale, on Flickr
On the way back to my car I saw this sweet Bentley get parked next to me. Looks like they have some baggy pants kid doing "details" yikes!
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J M Gale, on Flickr
Untitled by
J M Gale, on Flickr
It's a good dealership, just don't get your car washed there! lol