Cigar aficionados:
Have you ever been able to recover a cigar with mold? I know plume/bloom is normal on the wrapper, however I noticed some white fuzz in spots on all three feet of the Ashton 898s in my humidor. I originally thought it was just plume based on what I saw on the wrapper, but I know (or think) it doesn't occur on the foot. These have been in my humidor since last May.
I'm a little confused since I keep the humidity at around 68-69% humidity (never above 70%) and have read that mold usually doesn't occur unless you store them at 75%+ or higher.
So the question is how sure can I be that it is mold? And if it is, is there any way to salvage?
These 898s are Lonsdales. What I did so far was clean off the wrapper and cut about 1" off each foot. They sit outside of the humidor right now before I figure if I can put them back in or not. I don't want to lose them if I don't have to.
FWIW, I checked all of my other cigars and found no evidence of mold.
- Steve
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