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Old 03-19-2012, 03:09 PM   #155 (permalink)
Skull Crusher
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Originally Posted by modme View Post
We were talking about the merits of the exhaust system and the outcomes of the dyno and tuning.
Your welcome to comment and disagree on anything you wish. What you don't seem understand is; I'm not here to have a technical conversation with you. I'm not here for your personal edification, to share decades of experience, discuss engine building or tuning methods or act as your personal tutor. I'm here to support the manufactures like Motordyne, and others like them, who work hard to put out solid products for hobbyist, professional builders, organized racers and enthusiasts.

If you read this entire thread, several others like it, then asked Tony questions, you might understand the dynamics and flow characteristics of their exhaust. Expecting an additional 10 hp out of any exhaust with the OP's current modifications, is nothing but a pipe dream. This has been stated unequivocally many times throughout the thread.

The OP's expectations are overly inflated. When the exhaust didn't produce a significantly greater hp output, he started bad mouthing Tony and Motodyne. Then came the not so proponent "lynch mob." It always works out this way on forums. Members jump on the, "complainers band wagon" without owning or utilizing the product, without the slightest bit of understanding.

Of course you having the mentality of a child, this needed to be spell out for you.

DILLIGAF what you purchased from Motodyne in the past. It doesn't have a bearing with your original comments to me or make you anymore creditable. I used your lack of engine building experience as a example; to demonstrate you've got Tee Tee experience but act as if you're some self-professed expert, not just here but in allot of previous threads. There's a great deal more to building and tuning a NA engine then just bolting on parts, installing a tune and expecting to see massive hp gains. As a point of reference and experience, all you've done is a, bolt on DIY TT install.

My point being again: You lack experience with NA tuning or building, let alone attempting to have a lengthy discussion on exhaust flow characteristics or attempting to diagnosing a supposed tuning issue with a manufactures exhaust.

Again, it's called experience. You want others to believe your highly experienced and creditable but frankly you've been called out by someone who earns a living at it daily. Along with a family who's been sustained by it for three generations. So in a nut shell, it's not a question weather or not I have extensive engine building knowledge, it's more to demonstrated your lack of, big difference.

Let him take it to a professional and have the proper tuning parameters installed and adjusted. Though, no matter what he does with the modifications he current is running, there's not going to be a substantial gain from one exhaust to the next, until he takes the next step. When and if he does he'll understand. Simply put, there is a much greater potential enhancement with the Motodyne. Hence sell the Motodyne to someone else who will appreciate it as is or be satisfied with the current results and move on, instead of trying to disway others from purchasing it.

Most of these type of threads start and end up in a very negative way against the part manufacture, this one is no different. Eventually, in come the "know it all trolls" like yourself, attempting to find additional fault or issues, where there is none.

You follow?

Last edited by Skull Crusher; 03-19-2012 at 04:05 PM.
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