Originally Posted by mr_sk
I dont think it's worth it - I say that because I got one installed on my front bumper (entire thing) and it ran over $500 for the bra + installation.
At that rate, you could just get the bumper re-sprayed. I'd say it's not worth it.
To do the entire front (bumper, fenders, lights, 1/2 hood), you're looking at probably 1.5K - seems silly to me, but that's just my opinion.
I had the whole car minus doors, rear bumper, and hatch done in ventureshield ultra. $1700. Well worth it. Noone has ever spotted it unless I showed them, and our paint is as soft as it is pretty. It's also very thin. No touch up will ever truly look oem, and I don't want to buy a sports car with a repainted front end "because of gravel..." Riiight. You might balk, too, so why deal with it when for the same price it can be avoided, plus value added?