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Old 03-18-2012, 09:31 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BlkNismo View Post
All you hear about is 19, 25, 34 row oil coolers. Nobody makes a smaller kit so I have been thinking of fabbing one up with a setrab series 6- 10 or 13 row cooler.

Has anyone used a core smaller then 19 row?

Car is street driven only. At 75* ambient, car oil sits just under 220*.
With summer months aproaching, this has me worried....

Dont want to worry about a block off plate in winter or oil never passing 160* as I hear quite often.

I know the supras came with a factory oil cooler that were only 7 or 8 row fyi.
Heck at 80 degrees my car after two short 4th gear blasts on the freeway my oil temp was at 260 degrees. That temp will climb quickly and it sad that acceleration does that. Makes me wonder if our cars have oil squirters for the pistons. Seems that there is not enough oil or cooling measures in the motor. I think I noticed and I may be wrong, but the heads don't have rolller tapets instead they have the old shim and cup which creates a bunch of friction and heat and are not really designed for high rpm. We have a tiny oil filter that looks like it would filter a 1.5 liter KIA.

So I am sure the oil circulating just gets hot in minutes and was designed to do this, which a oil to water cooler woulld have done with larger amount of oil and bigger oil filter.

I bet if we were all to get a petition going and file a class action lawsuit or just make a big stink we could get this oil temp problem resolved by Nissan. Japaneese hate loosing face or to seem dishonorable. I personally would like a free replacement under warranty. Or if I already invested in a replacement some compensation.

Who ever designed the motor must have been living in a time bubble for the past 22 years.
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