Originally Posted by TerribleONE
thats what we all say.. When I got my Z I said no boost for a year until I could get all my other mods out of the way and I had a couple projects for the truck I wanted to complete.. that didnt last long! I think I have only put 3-400 miles on my car since I bought it in december before giving it to Tony!  Does the mustang feel as confident in the corners, or do you have to feel a little more on the edge to carry the same speed through the twisties?
Originally Posted by theDreamer

I said no mods until after one year, that lasted like 6 weeks and less than a year later I was boosted. 
I had the cash in my hand to buy a supercharger or TT. Was leaning towards supercharged. I debated for quite a few weeks around the begining of the new year and decided not to do it. Worrying about reliability was ultimately the deciding factor and I decided against it. I threw some of the money into buying Koni Yellows, pads and rotors instead. Eh, maybe she will eventually see a supercharger sometime later in her life. I know I would love the extra power!!