Just visited one of the radar dector websites and they listed the effective range of the top of the line escort unit to be 1200 ft. or about 1/5th. of a mile. The cop basically already has you targeted, before you even know it.
This range of detection is a joke, with such a short range your basically going to be nailed almost every time by the cop setting up. If your doing 70-75 mph your going to cover that distance in only about 10-12 seconds, take into account human reaction time and having to slow down, results in beep "OH CRAP HE NAILED ME" .
In order to avoid detection you need to have the incoming signal being recieved at a far enough distance to avoid triggering the cops unit or pick up a signal bouncing off some other targeted car.
Your really need at least a 1/2 mile warning = 30 seconds minimum or hopefully a signal a mile away to really avoid getting ticketed.
Last edited by gsxr750; 03-15-2012 at 03:02 PM.