does uprev detect or trouble shoot?
heey all i have a question with regards to uprev and need you guys to chime in. As some of you read my post about getting low numbers with my mods, even though i got a higher number on another dyno, i was still not satisfied as it didnt hit the 290's hp that i had in mind. so my friend and i were discussing what the possible problem could be, because he as well has a 370z AT with just a mid pipe and exghust, and he got 276 hp on the same dyno that gave me the low reading, so thats what started the conversation of why i got lower numbers on that dyno even though i have full boltons. So on of our guess was that there might be some leak somewhere, or the something wrong with the MAF sensors, or any other problem. So my question is, can uprev be used to dedect if there is any irregularity in the car example leak somewhere, MAF sensor not reading correctly etc? can a tuner see if there is a problem and perhaps trouble shoot it if he sees there is something irregular?