Ok so I set the limiter to 2500 and went out on the highway instead of the street. Figuring maybe the blocks I was on may posiibly not have been long enough and following up like I was asked to. I went out and floored it on the highway. What I did notice was at first as the light was blinking. Resistance was present and it felt like the car was bogging down. As i I stayed persistant this time on the throttle. It broke past the RPM setting and stayed with a solid light.
I did notice where ever I set the limit I did get resistance and I could feel where I needed the shift and didn't need the light. But it did rip past through once the blinking stopped and the solid light appeared. I tried this in various settings and the resistance would occur wherever I set the rev limit.
Ex: if the limit was set to 2500rpm, that's where id feel bogging at every gear. But if I set it at 4k that's where the new sensation of bogging down was. But once the light goes solid, bogging breaks and the car drives normal.
My guess its a way to protect the car in case you forget where you set the limiter. Things should be explored like if this can be activated fully with a tune? The rev-range goes to 9000 rpm on the limiter. Anyway... this is the conclusion. Sorry for not taking it out on the highway and checking it on the slam for over 1000 ft. The bogging was hard enough on the street that I would change gears before the light went solid.
But this thread allows us to know more about it which is good.