Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
No not because i said so, it is because the industry has shown prof that if caps are use your more likley to cause harm to your car and or your system in the long run.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Been doing installs for over 8+ years what would I know.
Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
And i have 20 years in the industry, that doesn't mean i know everything like you claim to, the last 8 i have been with 2 of the top manufactures in the industry, you do what, installs on the side...
As for your sites, if you read the credible respones they all seem to say what i, and a couple others have said if you'd bother to read what other people in the know say, that WHEN USED CORRECTLY THEY HELP THE SYSTEM, i can find just as many articals that tell you a cap is the solution to all your problems, doesn't mean anything, when they are all from forums and more people who think they know everything.
Are there crapy caps out there, you bet, will they help dimming lights, yep! should you make sure you've done the big 3 first, you bet, but from an SQ stand point they have their place, and can help even out the voltage that an amp requires to sound it's best. As i've said WHEN USE CORRECTLY they are good.