2nd to 5th? Anyone ever mis-shift this one?
Well, break-in period is coming to a close and I have been increasing my aggressiveness driving the Z. I don't think 4,000rpm max at 1199miles and then 7500rpm in another mile is smart, or sensible, so I have slowly been increasing things after I reached the 600 mile mark (My 'vette was 500 mile break-in, 1500 miles until HPDE's, per the manual and metal is metal, gears are gears...).
Anyway, the 370Z has a very tight shift pattern apparently. I was wringing 2nd out to about 6500rpm or so when I shifted, and went 2-5th. I heard what sounded like "Zffffffftttt!" which I imagine was clutch slip, and the rpms dropped rapidly to 5th gear rpms even though my foot was flat on the floor (I did not immediately know what had occurred).
I smelled no clutch smell, and the car shifted fine afterward. Take-off in first is smooth, and there is no indication that the clutch has began to engage when engaging in first very slowly with the parking-brake on aside from the engine bogging. T/O bearing rattle remains at its normal level (annoying if you know what it is, not noticeable if you don't know to listen for it, I hear this is the norm on the 370Z).
I doubt this is any more damaging than slipping the clutch at the drag strip, but I wanted to ask...anyone do this? Did the car implode? Kinda scares me that the engine didn't immediately bog and the rpms shoot down to 5th gear type rpms and that they rapidly drifted down instead.
Anyway, thought I would ask. Have never really done this before in any of my other cars.
Last edited by ImportConvert; 03-12-2012 at 06:08 PM.