Originally Posted by 6spd
Wow, thats quite the complement, thank you! We aren't professionals actually! Ive been photographing cars for about 7 years and Brianna has been modeling with me for a few months. We are in fact planning on starting a photography business in the near future though. I agree about the sky in some of the pics. Others are better. You are right too that the car was mostly secondary here, but the shots where both Brianna and the car were primary, the results are great. I really appreciate the C&C +rep
 I am quite fond of it too if I don't say so myself
Ok well glad you appreciate the advice..She has a very natural pose about her...she feels comfortable in MOST of the pics....and that shows..( I think she knows the ones where she was not comfortable)...she does not force her appeal..it comes naturally..although that "natural" look is usually the result of many many years of practice and study....Modeling is a cutthroat business but her chances are as good as any..
You show a flare for putting things together and and eye for design and lighting..so I think you will do well in photography...another cutthroat biz.
I had to laugh at some of the well intentioned remarks..especially the ones about the model making the viewer forget the car.,..If the Nissan heard that, that would kill the project if Nissan were the sponsor..It it was Estee Lauder.. well that would be just what they want!
Maybe someday??