Installed my EIBACH sway bars on my Z yesterday. Talk about a SOLID feel to the car now. I didn't think the car swayed at all before, but now I know how much more the car is NOT swaying! LOL...

The rear sway bar was a pain in the "rear" as I had to drop the muffler and take out the A-arms out of the way, then was able to swap the new and old sway bars that way. I did round off one muffler hangar nut in the process...

. Have to get a replacement for when I do my FI exhaust in the next couple/three weeks when
that is supposed to be delivered... feels SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG to go...
We did Mike C's sway bars as well on his 40th Anniversary that he got from Florida... Hah! I think he's got a Sandy Beach in his garage as of yesterday with all the sand that was trapped in the suspension components.

That and what appeared to be a Brown Recluse spider that made it's home in the rear suspension

... a little WD40 flushed that sucker out and he/she/it was mashed beyond recognition once it landed on the ground! Oh, the stories to tell the grand kids... LOL!!!!!
After all that, I can safely say that I do believe Nissan does NOT torque those huts to their own specifications!!! We struggled with those front sway bar nuts more than those on the rear, but they were all a bear to break loose...
... oh, and Mike C, Z IT GO and myself, are all sporting the F1 /EVO-R brake light now. Mike C's is a home made version with very bright flashing LED's a-la-cop-car style...