Here in Atlanta I've got a couple things home-brewing. I like Brewers Best kits, and will try others soon also... but am also into shelf-clone kits from scratch as well. I make my own wine too. here is the list:
HomeBrew Beer
Brewers Best - English Pale Ale (4~6 weeks to drink)
Brewers Best - American Amber (4~6 weeks to drink)
New Belgium Fat Tire clone - (4~6 weeks to drink) - For this, I had .5oz of extra bittering hops, so I just said what the heck - and tossed them in. I cant wait to try it. I love FatTire but always wished it had about 50the hops flavor.
HomeBrew Wine
White: Reisling (4 weeks to the glass and its perfect)
Red: Chilean Merlot (6 weeks to bottle, 3 months+ age. I hope it drys some more during aging but it still tastes great)
Everything I've made tastes just oh-so good. I've got a few English Pale Ales chilling in the fridge with my name on them for the weekend.
Last edited by Unclemeaty; 03-09-2012 at 03:06 PM.