As for the warranty issue:
1. I bought my car in Bellingham which is just a short drive across the border. I did buy it new. The Dealership in Bellingham put it in writing that they would honour my warranty full. Further, if there was any warranty issue where I could not drive it, all I had to do was get it towed to the border and they handle it from there.
2.Per my discussion with the salesman I bought the car from who deals with many Canadian. Nissan North America's offical policy is to not honour warrnty in Canada on a new car bought in the US. However, on his experience, CDN customers have had some success with the Nissan dealers up here honouring the warranty.
I have gotten my car serviced in Canada since I bought it. I talked my Nissan Service advisor here in Vancouver and he basically stated that they do there best to not turn down warranty work even if it is a US car bought brand new, In other words, if I do have a warranty issue that I don't want to take the car to Bellingham, they do work with Nissan to get the work done up here for free. They have done it in the past as well with others.
So offically the policy is to not honour the warranty, but when it comes down to it, it depends on the CDN dealer and what they can do as they do not want to lose the waork.
If you buy the car new in the US, and you live in Vancouver, worst case is you have to go to Bellingham to get the warranty work done, which is not a big deal at all.
Last edited by Gurps; 03-09-2012 at 12:19 PM.