Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Good morning all.
Just another day in Paradise. At least it looks like I'll get my first Friday of the year off (we work a 9/80 two week work period - every other Friday off). Since I've been averaging about 85 hours per week, I'm do a little R&R.
Have a good day everyone.
gurneyeagle, that's really LOTS of hours of work per week.... you live in Houston... are you an astronaut or something???
Originally Posted by Nick911sc
Hey man my avatar accurately represents my emotions at all times!
Nick, you do plug your finger into the power outlet on a daily base, do you???
Originally Posted by kenchan
good morning, la femme agent fire!  (per mr.alcheng)
Originally Posted by Nick911sc
Good detective work
Seems I cannot have a sleep-in on my day off unless I want to power-read pages of posts!!! LOL
Good Morning Mr.onzedge, Mr.Nick911sc, Agent-la femme-Fire(man), Mr.gurneyeagle, Mr.Alche
ngmy, Mr.dAvenue, Mr.ZMan8.
LOL, man, I almost lost my breath.
Hey Fire, I like the spoiler very much too, put it on my 'watchlist' on my account just in case I pull the trigger. I will have it prepainted in PW if I order it.
I am waiting for the price quote for the TopSpeed, I hope it won't be too much since it's only mid-pipe+muffler.
Mmmmm...... or should I do both.....
Mr.onzdege.... I am starting to understand why I found your mind in your mod list.
Good Morning Everyone!!!!