Progressives Snapshot is invasive? lol...
They aren't forcing people to use it and they clearly outline the rules.
Again, they aren't tracking you with GPS.
If you regularly drive more than 30miles a day, stomp on your brakes, drive like a ****-on-wheels and drive between 12-4am you won't get the best rate. Otherwise it's a really easy and simple way to save a whopping 30%.
Insurance companies use a lot of different factors to determine your individual insurance rate such as your credit score, rather you rent or own a home, your gender/age and so on.
If anything it makes more sense to take into account your driving habits to determine risk.
The more time you spend on the road the higher the chances you get into an accident. The same goes for slamming on your brakes, driving between 12-4am (greater chance of getting stopped by police for speeding, etc).
Regardless there's nothing being cramped down anyones throats here and no reason to believe anything in the future will be. It's simply an easy way for people to save a **** ton on their insurance if they so chose.
Last edited by vo2max99; 03-05-2012 at 09:13 PM.