Hi everyone. First time making a thread and not sure if its the right place. Mod feel free to move if not.
My black 09's front bumper got about two square foot of damaged area under the passenger headlight. slow speed in a parking lot and my fault

mostly clear coat damage. few deep lines went into the paint i think. But one screw inside the bumper poked a coin sized bump towards the outside which i can feel with hand. paint cracked around the bump.
I tried to take pitures but doesnt show well.
What should I do to my bumper? can it be fixed?
or the bumper need to be replaced?
And how much repair money should i expect it? should i use insurance's money?
I have never got any marks on my car before so i need your inputs!
Thanks in advance
P.S. toyota vans are indestructible...no damage to it at all .not even the paint...