So I havent seen too many 370Z into drifting, I guess because its too pretty of a car to destroy. If I ever do any harm to this car, you will see a man cry! Thankfully there are events here in Texas that are reasonably safe. Primarily two, one is Gulf Greyhound park (south of Houston which is a dog track in which we setup cones in their parking lot) and the other is Mineral Wells (a small town with an airport near Ft. Worth that absolutely has nothing to hit...except for more cones). Im not going to go crazy, just want to have a good time. There is one event coming to GGP on March 17th that I am signing up for.
I just purchased some spare rims and tires, these came of a convertible 370Z. I think they look pretty cool and are 18's so tires are cheaper

Maybe I might Plastidip these a bright color before the event just for fun.
Anyways, wish me luck out there. Definitely taking off my Top Secret CF goodies for these events.