Based on your opinion you are implying his Z wasn't tuned as far as it could have been. I don't think you have ever personally tuned or used the UpRev software. So to better inform you. Ignition timing changes on the VHR engines are different especially when it comes to NA tuning. Timing tweaks on the NAs do not make any noticeable differences. This is in part due to how aggressive the knock sensors are, our 91 octane, and the VVEL integration. I've done many tunes on VHR NA applications where even higher octane fuel nets little to no gains in timing. UpRev is still working on releasing more settings and maps to address timing with the VHR. The tuning at the end of the pulls had nothing to so with the outcome of the results. Both catbacks were run multiple times before tuning to show equal results. You can see the AFRs were nearly identical for both systems. Jason wanted to tune at the end to better his AFRs and extract any more power available from his current modifications. Which I told you we were going to do at the end. I datalogged on that first run of tuning.
Nothing more could have been to showcase the results nor any changes in the tuning. I do not appreciate the jab even if it was unintentional. You did not have all the information to make that assumption. I provide only the best service to ALL my customers. Anything less is not tolerated.

This is a comparison between the best runs on both catbacks with no changes in tuning. You can see the AFRs are nearly identical.