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Old 03-01-2012, 12:38 AM   #72 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 370Z JT View Post
...If the Invidia was tuned for timing and AFR while the E370 was tuned only for AFR, wouldn't this be considered an unfair, slanted dyno comparison?
Wouldn't it be it in Tony's interest to ask why the tuner didn't modify the timing tables for the E370?
If Tony didn't want to direct the tuner on what to do, he should have told me and I would have gladly insisted on timing tuning. I am the one paying for the re-tune.
Hi Jason,

Unfortunately I didn't know there would be a tuning session until it was already underway. I assumed the laptop plugged into the OBD port was for monitoring engine parameters, but it wasn't until Seb mentioned adjusting fuel tables (half way in) that I found out. I asked if there would also be timing changes but the answer was "No." If I knew you intended a full tuning session that day it would have given me a chance to think about what a proper testing procedure would be for both sets and what to look for in the curves. The baseline could have been tuned flat and then the post could have been tuned the same threshold. If I knew tuning was part of the procedure, yes, I could have asked all kinds of questions and would have been looking closely at the state of each tune.

And yes, when the car was running on the dyno you mentioned you had a tune just two weeks prior and had the M370 swap, but I wasn't aware of the base tunes relation to the manifold change or that a only a fuel tune was part of the post test.

I was my mistake for not having asked more questions but none of this is what I would call slanted on anybody's part.

Originally Posted by 370Z JT View Post
If Tony didn't want to direct the tuner on what to do, he should have told me and I would have gladly insisted on timing tuning. I am the one paying for the re-tune.
If I knew you intended a full tune it would have been possible.

Originally Posted by 370Z JT View Post
In addition to that, the same timing tables that were already in place for the Invidia, would have also be in place for the E370. Would timing tuning really make a measurable difference then?
It certainly can but testing is the only way to really know.

Originally Posted by 370Z JT View Post
The Invidia baseline tune was not optimized for the boltons on the car and the dyno plot still matched dead on with the E370, albeit it being lumpy. We can agree if the Invidia baseline was re-tuned, the baseline curve would be just as smooth as the E370, and with additional HP.
Not necessarily, it depends on the reason why it was pinging. Not enough fuel and/or too much spark advance. Testing is the only way to really know.

Originally Posted by 370Z JT View Post
The E370 did not have any performance benefits over the Invidia Gemini.
It may be but when the data shows pre and post dyno runs are at different thresholds, controlled testing is the only way to know.

Would you like to see if your Z can make additional power from where it is now by going with a more complete tune? I know it was a long drive for you but if you like, Church Automotive is a shop that is very local to you and they can do the tuning. Motordyne will pick up the tab. Church Auto is literally on the other side of the Vincent Thomas bridge from you. In Wilmington.

Thank you,
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