Originally Posted by Nick911sc
Ok guys... a few more questions about the knob.. LOL
After I remove the stock knob, does that aluminum spacer just unscrew easily?
Will the o-rings that come with the knob be enough to stop the boot from drooping?
And do you suggest I re-apply loctite? I'd rather not.. but would it loosen?
1) I didn't remove the spacer. It was not necessary.
2) Yup, that boot ain't going' NOWHERE!

3) I didn't bother with the Loc Tite. I just cranked the knob down as far as it would go and it was perfect! I know a couple of others didn't bother with the Loc Tite either.

if you do choose to use it, just put a strip of it down one side of the threads. It's not necessary to coat all the threads.