Originally Posted by wh1te370z
I went to the track with the bare minimum. Here's my "build" thread. I used hawk pads.*
Wh1te370z Build
If your anything into cars (which you bought a Z so I'd imagine you are haha) you'll love it. Even if you aren't the best at it it'll be a blast.*
I got bit buy the track bug so hard I ended up selling the z and buying an older BMW just so I could attend more events. 
Thanks for the link. The wrap on the 370 was pretty cool.
I was actually looking at your BMW build the other day, and it looks like you're having tons of fun and making good progress -- congrats on the build! I don't really expect to be any good at running rings quickly, but I do expect it will be a blast. It's just something I want to experience in the car, and I expect that I will learn lots as well. If I get bitten by the track bug really hard, I think that what you're doing makes the most sense. It's more cost effective to start with a cheaper platform if you're going to strip it anyway, and I'd be less paranoid about wrecking it. I suppose the thought of wrecking it is what keeps most people from tracking their Z to begin with... Well, that and it's a pretty expensive hobby.