Originally Posted by BigT
I'm actually glad you brought up an evo. I bought a brand new Evo X back in '08 that had 8 miles on it when I drove it off the lot. What was the first thing I did? A WOT pull from 2nd gear up to 4th gear. This is quite literally as soon as I passed the vicinity of the dealership. Why did I do this? I wanted to break the piston rings in the hard way. I didnt launch the car until 16,000 miles, but I shifted hard and boosted every single mile before that. It didn't burn one lick of oil and I owned the car until 28k miles. It hit 27psi on the stock turbo almost every single day and I never had a single problem with that car. It sounded smooth as butter and it actually shifted a ton better then my friend's Evo X's.
To add to this topic, I called the dealer I bought my Z from last week. I wanted to schedule an oil change as my break-in miles are almost complete and also to verify that when I do bring the Z in, they will always use the specific Z oil. The service manager confirmed that they are using the correct oil and then began to give me a whole lecture how breaking in a brand new car doesn't really exist like it used to. He actually told me, "yea the manual says 1200 break-in miles, but that's not really it. They just don't want anyone "breaking" the car before they learn to drive it." So, yea...  He then politely told me not to schedule an early oil change.
I found this link that seems to corroborate what you're saying to some extent. Granted, it's focused primarily on motorcycle engines, but I have to imagine there's some crossover for this approach. Link below.
New Engine Break-in Procedure