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Old 02-28-2012, 10:43 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bullet_proof View Post
Hi there, I have a question, it's kinda related I tried and looked it up, but didn't find anything about it, I just picked my new 2012 z a week ago (it's my first one) I've noticed when I put the car in 1st gear and rev it up, as I push the clutch and depress the gas there's a thud sound and the shift knob moves quite good, some times when the gas isn't fully depressed and I start pushing the clutch to go onto second, feels like the gb wants to spit first gear, and all it takes is a little pressure with the tip of my fingers to get off first onto neutral.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this normal? I mean that sound is disturbing, especially when you push the clutch really fast. Should I take it to the dealer?
The clunking clutch and any "cement mixer" sounds you might hear from your clutch/drivetrain are normal for Z's. If you do a search for it you'll see everyone experiences it.

I'm not quite sure I understand the rest of your post. When engaging the clutch in first gear your shifter vibrates violently? I think that's what you're saying. This is what happens if you're not giving it enough gas. The shifter is mounted directly on the transmission so vibrations are transmitted to the shifter itself and that's why it vibrates.
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