Originally Posted by wheee!
Show up at court and sit down. Wait for your docket to be called. If it isn't... go home, but keep your parking receipt to show you were there or get a copy of the docket list for the day!
this or what will happen is they call you in, you talk to the prosecutor. If you are nicely dressed and polite they will usally cut it in half.
The one and only time i street raced (dumbest thing i have ever done, might i add), was when i had my Z and was playing around with a GT-R. Got caught doing 187kmh in a 110 zone. Cop said "gimme one good reason why i shouldnt give you a huge fine, take your licence away and impound your car" i told him there was no excuse and i never street race. He let me go with a $355 ticket and 4points. I went to the court date, nicely dressed and was polite to the prosecutor. She cut my ticket to $177 and 2 points.
So in other words, go to the court date, u will either get off or get it lowerd.