This season in WI has been unseasonably dry. It has only really snowed once all winter. So we didn't even think to check the weather. I go to pick my Nismo up and a massive winter storm comes overhead. Things were ok for awhile on the highway, then the rear end came out, luckilly no one was even remotely close to me and there was an off ramp right there.
I'm a very capable snow driver (many years exp) so I got control rather quickly and pulled into the ramp. Barely got up a hill to a Days Inn, and here I am writing this.
I'm very sad my first day owning it turned into this
Snow has passed and since we live in a very urban area the roads are cleared out. Gonna make a run for it here pretty soon. One thing is CERTAIN. I need blizzaks, soon, very very soon. Those Nismo tires barely get traction on damp roads lol, let alone snow. Also first car I've owned with traction control so that was really messing me up. Kept feeling like I was stalling but I wasn't.
Many embarrassing pics to follow