I know how to get the gas price down - It's easy
It's a fact that we refine oil & make it into gasoline. It's a fact that we refine our oil & Canada's oil & sell it all over the world to the highest bidders. Since it's mined/drilled in the U.S.A & or off our shores, & it is refined in the U.S.A, we have 100% the right to tax it. Tax it high if they want to export it out of our country. If the oil companies lose money exporting our & Canada's oil/gasoline, then they'll find happyness selling it here in our country. We will have much, much more gasoline availible, & just like natural gas, the high sypplies will drop the gasoline price substantialy. Not long ago the oil companies were the big bad oil companies. What happened? What changed? What's wrong with my idea?
What's wrong with $2.00 gasoline? It was under $2 just 3&1/2 years ago.