Originally Posted by O&G
I noticed better boost response after installing my MBC as well. Glad you got it figured out. Remember once you get it to the point it's actually adjusting the psi(7 turns +) it won't take as many turns to increase the psi. Have fun!
Definitely. It takes little effort to get out of vacuum, and the car sounds different. IMO, the turbos are starting to wake up now haha. The drive to work is great now that it feels more responsive.
Originally Posted by Deadman
Nice Grats on getting it all sorted out ! I really want to turbo the car one day just seems like little gremlins are always on the prowl  if its not one thing its another hehe. Enjoy the car now !
Thanks. I freaked out when I only made 5-7 full turns, but it could be the combination of double checking and tightening the vacuum lines and dialing past 7 full turns (in my case).