I learned how to drive manual on my RSX. I remember trying to drive it off the dealer's lot the day I got. Yeah that was a big fail, it was harder than I thought it would be. my dad ended up taking over and showing me the basics. I drove around the block w/ my dad and picked it up decently, or so I thought. The drive home from my dad's was the worst, out of 18 traffic lights 17 of them were red lights... just my luck. I ended up stalling 4-5 times.
Once I got to my apt complex, there's a slight incline at the gate... I stalled the car as soon as I entered in the gate code and I guess I kinda panicked cause I could not get it to move without stalling. At the time I was afraid to give it any gas while the clutch was up so I would pick up the clutch too fast and stall it out (since it would start rolling back). cars behind me started building up and honking lol. luckily my neighbor was one of the cars behind me and saw the paper plates, so he assumed i was just learning how to drive manual. I had to have him drive the car into my complex for me

. it was pretty embarassing. that same night I went to an empty parking lot and practiced. Weeks later I had no problems, even on hills. It'll just take a while for your shifts to get smooth once you learn the coordination and feel of the clutch. be patient.